Saturday, March 24, 2012

Writing For A Cause

I have signed up to be a contributing author on the Fandom For Premies fundraiser.

For those of you who haven't heard of this fundraiser, it is put together by a friend of mine (and some other authors) in an effort to raise money for March of Dimes and other organizations to help premature infants and children.

Basically, you contribute $5 to either March of Dimes or Team Losh, forward your receipt to, and after April 15th, you'll get a compilation of short stories from many authors. Most of the authors will be from the Twilight Fanfiction community, but others are involved as well, including myself.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to write yet, but it will be a piece of original fiction. I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head right now.

Of course, I will eventually post it here, but it will be available exclusively to those who donate until probably July 1st or so.

So, please, consider donating just $5 to this great cause.

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